LU News 5 | 2023
Published 15 March.
University-wide news
On the University Management’s agenda
Jimmie Kristensson, Pro Vice-Chancellor
"My hope is that the project will lead to greater clarity, visibility and security for the students who come to study in Lund. We are stronger together!"
We are supporting the students in their work against sexual harassment
Susanne Kristensson, University Director
"The idea is to enable us to work smarter, and by making better use of our existing resources, we can provide even better and effective support."
Review of the central administration for even better and more effective support
LERU Doctoral Summer School 4-8 July 2023
In 2023 the summer school is organized by Heidelberg University on 4 - 8 July 2023. The theme is Concepts of intervention science applied to global challenges.
Current updates from University Management
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