Or perhaps a workshop, including performance, on ways to achieve existential well-being? Why not join the opening of the exhibition: "Coastal Perspectives" – an exhibition about the challenges and opportunities of the changing coastal landscape in the Pufendorf IAS’ garden?
All activities are free of charge and refreshments are included – sign up for them today!
16 May: Lunch seminarSound of Democracy.
4 June at 12–14: Opening exhibition: "Coastal Perspectives" – an exhibition about the challenges and opportunities of the changing coastal landscape. In Pufendorf IAS’ garden (in Swedish, but English speaking researchers are there to provide information also in English).
The Pufendorf Theme Biomaterials 4.0 – about Future Biomaterials: Data-Driven Insight to Cell-Biomaterial Interactions – will host their three-day conference end of May. If you want to learn more about this, please reach out to: contact [at] pi [dot] lu [dot] se