In case of emergency while travelling
While travelling, always remember to:
- Keep in touch with your family and work place on a regular basis.
- If you are a Swedish citizen, register your contact details with 'svensklistan' at the Sweden abroad website (in Swedish). If you are not a Swedish citizen, check with your embassy to see if they have a similar service.
- Download the UD resklar app via the Ministry for Foreign Affairs website (in Swedish) to receive travel information directly on your phone (enable push notifications for your country of stay).
- Never take a package or luggage of unknown content with you when crossing a border.
In the event of war, crisis situation, natural disaster or major accident
- Contact your family and work place.
- On you can find updated information from Swedish authorities on major events.
- If you are abroad, contact the embassy or consulate of the country in question for assistance.
Visit the Sweden abroad website for information about embassies and consulates - Contact Falck Global Assistance if you need rapid assistance when you are abroad.
Telephone: +46 8 587 717 49
Fax: +46 8 505 939 13
Email: fga [at] se [dot] falck [dot] com
If you become ill while travelling
- Call Sjukvårdsrådgivningen (the Swedish medical advice hotline) at +46 771 11 77 00
- Contact Falck Global Assistance if you need rapid assistance when you are abroad. They can, for example, direct you to the correct healthcare facility and organise transport in the event of illness.
Telephone: +46 8 587 717 49
Fax: +46 8 505 939 13
Email: fga [at] se [dot] falck [dot] com - Remember to submit a notification of illness.
In the event of an emergency while travelling
- Contact Falck Global Assistance if you are in an emergency situation and need rapid assistance when you are abroad.
Telephone: +46 8 587 717 49
Fax: +46 8 505 939 13
Email: fga [at] se [dot] falck [dot] com
If, for example, you are subject to threats, violence, robbery or lose University equipment such as a computer, keys, access card, etc:
- Fill in an incident report. Log in using your Lucat ID.
Go to the incident report form - You can also call the University’s alarm number +46 46 222 07 00, which, if required, can forward the information to the security officer or officer on call.
If something happens during your business trip, you are also to submit a claim application to Kammarkollegiet.
Read more about the claim application and the insurance cover you have while travelling
University security control centre
+46 46 222 07 00
Contact Falck Global Assistance
if you are in an emergency situation and need rapid assistance when you are abroad
+46 8 587 717 49
Fax: +46 8 505 939 13
fga [at] se [dot] falck [dot] com
Fredrik Bexell
Chief security officer
+46 46 222 33 33
fredrik [dot] bexell [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se
Ann‐Charlotte Dahlberg
Security coordinator
+46 46 222 32 35
ann-charlotte [dot] dahlberg [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se
Eric Magnusson
Security coordinator
+46 46 222 06 94
eric [dot] magnusson [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se
Helena Ilic
Security coordinator
+46 46 222 75 53
helena [dot] ilic [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se
Håkan Jönsson
Security coordinator
+46 46 222 32 46
hakan [dot] jonsson [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se
Robert Collin
Security coordinator
+46 46 222 69 29
robert [dot] collin [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se