Different types of agreement
Lund University uses both national and local agreements. The common denominator is that they are both binding and must be followed.
If both a government and a local agreement exist, use the local one. There may also be government framework agreements in which we have placed University-wide call-off orders. In these cases, you should first of all use the call-off agreement ranked first.
The purchasing procedure for you depends on whether agreements have been made with one or multiple suppliers.
One supplier
If a framework agreement has only been made with a single supplier, call-off orders can be placed directly with the agreement supplier in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
Multiple suppliers – ranking
Once all the conditions are set and several suppliers have been accepted, the suppliers are ranked. The supplier at the top of the list shall be contacted first. If the supplier cannot deliver the product or service at the agreed upon price (or other conditions), the supplier next in line shall be consulted. It may be specified in the framework agreement under what conditions the supplier has the right to decline a call-off order.
Multiple suppliers – renewed competition
Some conditions have not always been established, the price usually being one of them. In such cases, all framework agreement suppliers are invited to submit new tenders, a sort of mini-procurement. A call for tenders shall be sent to all the listed framework agreement suppliers.
If there is an existing framework agreement and you need to call for tenders according to renewed competition, you should use the “Competition” module in Lupin. You order access to the module by sending a request via the contact form in Lupin’s right-hand column under the list option ”Order in Lupin/Proceedo”.
Purchasing and Procurement
Sandgatan 5
223 50 Lund
Hämtställe: 31
Please contact us via our support form
Here you will find contact information for staff at the Purchasing and Procurement office