Information and advice about physical activity and how to prevent ill health.
Exercise is an effective ‘medicine’ against many diseases. The human body is built to move. Both body and soul benefit from physical activity.
In order to get into a good routine for physical activity, it is important to choose activities you enjoy and plan your day to fit them in.
Take an anonymous physical activity test on alexit.se
Health promotion at Lund University
Lund University employees are entitled to subsidised physical activity. Our health promotion regulations aim to encourage employees to participate in regular physical activity.
We aim to increase wellbeing at work, create a pleasant working environment with good social interaction and reduced absences due to illness, as well as preventing and reducing occupational injuries.
You are entitled to reimbursement of expenses for physical activity of a simple nature and low cost. Both conditions must be met for the activity to qualify for reimbursement.
More information about health promotion
Sports, exercise and outdoor activities
The municipal websites provide information about sports, exercise and outdoor activities in the three cities:
- Read about sports, exercise and outdoor activities in the municipality of Lund on lund.se (in Swedish)
- Read about sports and exercise in the city of Malmö on malmo.se (in Swedish)
- Read about outdoor activities and exercise within the municipality of Helsingborg on helsingborg.se
Matilda Eklund
Physiotherapist and ergonomist
matilda [dot] eklund [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se
Anne Link
Physiotherapist and ergonomist
anne [dot] link [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se
Visiting address
Gerdagatan 9, Lund
See map
Postal address
Occupational Health Service
Lund University
Box 117
221 00 LUND
Internal mailing code 52
+46 46 222 32 80
Opening hours
Monday–Friday 08:00–15:00
Closed for lunch 12:00–12:30
Consultations by appointment only
Opening hours
Monday–Friday 08:00–15:00
Closed for lunch 12:00–12:30
Consultations by appointment only.