Application form – Lund University YouTube channel access
This form is intended for staff who require access to the Lund University YouTube channel to upload or manage video content.
Please note: Only one member of staff per division, faculty, or equivalent area will be permitted access rights to the Lund University YouTube channel. By submitting this application form, you hereby agree to the following:
- You have read and will adhere to the Proper Usage Guidelines for YouTube:
Strategic Usage Guidelines and Access policy for Lund University on Youtube (LU Box) - You agree to be the primary point of contact in your division, faculty or equivalent area for all activities relating to YouTube, such as uploading and managing videos.
- You agree that you will be the sole designated user of the account with access to the Lund University YouTube channel, i.e. your credentials are not shared with any other staff.
- If there is already a member of staff in your area who has access to the channel, your application will be denied, and you will be referred to contact that individual.
If you have a query regarding the Lund University YouTube channel, the guidelines or this application form, please contact the editorial group by email yt-editor [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se