Biomarkers and epidemiology
Visiting address: Barngatan 4, 22185 Lund
Postal address: 22185 Lund
Service point: 32
The Division houses several research groups and laboratories at Lund University Cancer Centrum (LUCC) located both at the clinic Kamprad Lab as well as at BMC. Collaberation with the units at BMC/D13, Mass Spectrometry and Proteomic (BioMS and CTP) and BME/LTH.
The division also houses Cancer Epidemiology situated at Wigert. The main tasks are: To undertake studies in cancer epidemiology using register material and/or data collected from case control or cohort studies to study incidence and trends of tumour diseases and to find environmental and genetic risk factors. To undertake cancer screening, prevention and intervention studies. To undertake cancer treatment and prognostic studies. To assist with epidemiological and biostatistical competence within the above areas also including studies in health economics, cancer genetics, life quality and family oriented studies.