Take the opportunity to become a health and safety representative
Our health and safety representatives do a fantastic job and play a key role in preventive work environment management. It is soon time for the health and safety representative election. Take the opportunity to nominate yourself or a colleague for this very important role.
There is a good independent study course for those who would like to know more about work environment management and what the role of health and safety representative entails. You can find the online course, which has been produced in a collaboration between the SWEM team and the chief health and safety representatives, on the Professional Development Portal (Kompetensportalen). Should you be elected as a health and safety representative, there is an in-depth course to register for.
For more information on the health and safety representative election: Health and safety representatives, health and safety committees | Staff Pages
The course: The digital part is available in the Professional Development Portal and involves self-study that can be completed at any time.
The second part, the workshop, is carried out several times a year and the safety officer registers for it via the Professional Development Portal (Kompetensportalen).
New exhibition about women in academia
This year it is 150 years since women gained the right to study at Swedish universities. We are marking this in various ways in the autumn, starting on Culture Night on 16 September. In conjunction with this, new webpages with in-depth information have been launched. There you can read the extremely interesting stories that in different ways depict women’s successes and conditions in academia. It offers a very good insight into university history.
I would particularly like to thank legal historian Elsa Trolle Önnerfors, archivist Fredrik Tersmeden and communications officer Petra Francke for their excellent work.
Take the opportunity to learn more about the first women who studied at university. Who were these pioneers, what did they study and what did they do in their leisure time?
Culture Night event 16 September: 150 years of women in academia| Lund University (in Swedish)
150 years of women in academia | 150 years of women in academia (lu.se) (in Swedish)
Fantastic attendance when LU participated in Pride
Pride is an important initiative for people’s right to be who they are and to love who they want. Lund University is a place that welcomes everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and where we stand up for people’s equal value. That is why we were involved for the first time in the Pride parade that took place on 26 August. It was a fantastic experience and there was a large LU contingent behind our banner. I would especially like to thank Selenay Özbeck of the Office of Special Events and Protocol who arranged this and send a big thank you to all the students and staff who were involved. It won’t be the last time.
/Jimmie Kristensson, Pro Vice-Chancellor