Both reviews are very much in line with the University’s Platform for Strategic Work, which specifies measures for the development of a value-creating and benefit-driven administrative organisation and the further development of leadership and employeeship for Lund University’s standing as an attractive workplace.
How can the Central Administration provide optimum support for our education and research? Part of the answer is given in the report entitled Review of the Central Administration’s Organisation and Working Methods. The review includes interviews with key staff members, analysis of existing research and comparisons with other organisations, nationally and internationally.
Based on the review, proposals have been drawn up concerning what can be done to improve support. This concerns certain organisational changes within the Central Administration, but above all a change in working methods that can provide better overall support, focusing on the needs of the organisation. I look forward to the continuing work on these proposals. The next step is to produce an action plan for each proposal, which involves a more in-depth look at the proposals including discussions with the parties concerned, risk and impact analyses etc.
The Preliminary Study on Professional and Career Development for Technical and Administrative Staff proposes continued work on eight development areas. This concerns, among other things, improved opportunities for internal mobility within LU, enhanced support in staff appraisals for professional and career development, a stronger and broader introduction process for new employees and a review of titles and position designations. Furthermore, the report contains interesting accounts of careers that staff members have had at LU. The continuing work is now being coordinated by the HR Division. As a first step in that work, the proposals will be discussed in the University Administration Management Group.
I am pleased that our coordinated work on professional development and career paths for our technical and administrative staff is under way!
/ Susanne Kristensson, University Director.
Read more
- Review of the Central Administration’s Organisation and Working Methods (in Swedish)
- Preliminary Study on Professional and Career Development for Technical and Administrative Staff (in Swedish)
- Platform for Strategic Work will inspire and guide | Staff Pages (